The Dominican Bishop of Assisi, Ambrogio
Luddi, a good friend of Mons. Pio, designated successor and
spiritual director of the sisters, and good friend of Mother Elena,
wrote the following spiritual profile.
Good begins to
live at death. In this manner the Dominican Sister Pia Elena Bruzzi,
widow Bonaguidi, Mother Superior of the Convent of the Holy Spirit
in Via Bolognese located in Pietra in Florence lived her life.
Dear friend,
intelligent, energetic, frank, confident, in her role of wife of
Jesus, mother of the order, and religious figure, was in some ways
like Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, to whom she was devoted. She was
exquisite in her feelings, in the manner of her perception, and her
direction. She seemed born to lead. She was associated with Mons.
Pio Del Corona because of her divine disposition toward his worthy
and knowledgeable works in the foundation and governing of the new
monastery of the Dominican teachers. She brought such prudence and a
willingness to work that she deserved the veneration and the full
trust of Mons. Pio, who saw her in the role of the strong women of
the scriptures. The unlimited esteem of her daughters (the sisters)
and the faith with which she met and overcame the most difficult
problems, the devoted affection and admiration of those who knew
her, and the continued progress of the convent brought forth good
auspices and special providence. This was seen as coming from God to
promote His glory and to work with great outcome for the health of
She carried out everything in her
delicate and difficult job; loving everyone with tenderness and
anticipating in advance any needs. And even if she had to be a
disciplinarian, her affection was transparent and her will to do
good was so evident that she could teach without destroying
another’s confidence. This was a rare secret but indispensable to
obtaining good results. She constantly strove for this up until her
death, according to the desires of her sainted founder and the
unanimous vote of the sisters. Her personal gifts and those given by
Heaven brought her esteem from the outside world as well, so that
many souls came to her for her counsel, encouragement, and
inspiration toward virtue.
But what made Mother Pia Elena most worth being admired and praised
was her heroic strength, her joy, and her calm confidence with which
she faced the several problems and deep pain that wound around her
life. It was a beautiful picture seeing her
resigned to her cross, especially in the last three years of her
life when she was bedridden. She smiled always and spoke words of
beauty and goodness. She imparted words of knowledgeable counsel,
followed the community with surprisingly lucid ideas, and gave
lovely and innocent good wishes. With her body transfigured and worn
out with disease, she always fought with her desire to join her God
versus her daily life among her beloved daughters.
But then God saw her so
purified and rich with merit that He wanted her for Himself. Winged
with the holy manna of the angels, the blessing of the Pope, the
Head of the Dominican Order, and all the religious comforts, on
August 16, 1913, at 78 she was taken from her cross and introduced
into bliss, just a year and a day after Mons. Pio Del Corona, whom
she loved and venerated in such a saintly manner.
Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit
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