After receiving the approval from Pope Pius IX to found the new Congregation (May 8th, 1872), Father Pio Alberto and the widow Elena Bonaguidi looked for a temporary place while waiting for the new house, the Monastery of via Bolognese, to be built. A small building was rent, called Villa Nuti (today Villa Annamaria), belonging to the Parish territory of S.Croce al Pino (Fiesole diocese); here, during three years, women wanting to experience religious life were gathered.

Villa Nuti has undergone several changes through the years; this is how it looks today.



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Geographical coordinates:
Degrees Minutes Seconds 43° 47' 44.01' N, 11° 15'39.95'E
decimal 43.795558°, 11.261097°



The Monastery entrance, number 111 of via Bolognese (Florence)

The Monastery is located in via Bolognese (number 111) on the hills sorrounding Florence and is made of a series of buildings which are distributed along the slope that starts from the main road.

The Monastery at the beginning of the XXth century


Aerial view of the Monastery as of today

The large structure is distributed over various floors, with a big garden and a vast piece of farm land (about one hectare) which is cultivated as vegetable garden, orchard and olive grove.

Different views of the Monastery land





Panoramics from the Monastery


Between the early and the late ‘60s the Monastery was refurbished – according to the regulations in force – in order to create a comfortable and easily accessible environment. The School was the first to take great advantage of these works, today it’s the elder ladies, who are looked after in the warm ambience of the Monastery.


The so called “mothers’ chapel”

The sisters’ lunchroom


Some rooms of the Monastery



Garden 360°C panoramic view

Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit
 via Bolognese, 111
50139  Firenze
telephon: 055 490026
FAX: 055 487911

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