We have printed many little holy images
of Monsignor Pio Alberto del Corona with the following prayer:
To obtain the beatification
Mons Pio Alberto del Corona
Holy consoler
father of the poor
giver of all supernatural gifts
light of our hearts
you enriched your faithful servant
Mons. Pio Alberto del Corona
with angelic goodness
with which he spread light and love everywhere,
allow us to overcome all uncertainties of life
and make the heavenly King triumph in our hearts
and though his intercession
obtain the grace that we implore with confidence.
Protect hour and always the work we has started.
For the good of souls make the Holy Church glorify him
holding him out to the veneration and to the imitation
of all his sons (Gloria,Gloria,Gloria)
If you are interested, you may obtain
the little holy pictures he writing or phoning to the monastery:
Dominican sisters of Holy Spirit
Via Bolognese 111
50139 firenze
e-mail: www.suore@suore.it
Phone number: 0039055490026
Those who have obtained grace though the intercession of Pio Alberto del
Corona should inform the Dominican Sisters.
Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit
Bolognese, 111
50139 Firenze
telephon: 055 490026
FAX: 055 487911
Rights reserved. Anyone wishing to make use of the material (texts,
images, videos, etc..) in this site, must make explicit written request
to the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit.