process of the beatification of Mons. Pio A. Del Corona was opened by
the Diocese of S. Miniato in 1942. As soon as the dioceses’ phase was
finished in the Sixties, the process was sent to the Vatican
Congregation that evaluates candidates for the title of blessed
or saint (at that time, it was called the Sacred Congregation of
Rites, but today is known as the S. Congregation for the Cause of Saints.).
The City of S. Miniato (Pisa) at the beginning of
the 20th century.
The Cathedral of S. Miniato at the
beginning of the 20th century and today.
With the apostolic constitution of the Divinus perfectionis Magister
(1-25-1983) Pope John Paul II reformed the process of canonization.
The processes in course before this reformation were interrupted, as
well as the acts relative to the historical research. The Bishop of S.
Miniato nominated two historical researchers who concluded their work in
May of 2002. At the moment all the documentation is being evaluated by
the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
The body of Mons. Pius and his
funerals: before, at the Florentine basilica of Saint Mark, then at S.
Miniato (September 7, 1912)
Before being beatified, a miracle attributed to the intercession of
Mons. Pius must be confirmed (after his death). Generally these miracles
that are taken into consideration deal with a healing. These must be
verified by a medical evaluation which decides whether or not the
healing can be explained by natural causes. In the case that at least
one healing can be declared inexplicable (from a medical point of view)
the following process will be begun: first, a special congress of
theologians, then a congress of Cardinals and Bishops will examine the
evidence from a theological point of view. In the case of the positive
outcome of these evaluations, the Pope will promulgate a decree
concerning the miracle. At the same time, the Pope will decide the date
of the solemn ceremony of the beatification. If after this process
another miracle occurs, the Postulator will ask the Bishop of the
diocese (where the miracle is said to have occurred) to begin another
process. The medical consultation and theological processes with the
congregations of the Cardinals and Bishops will follow as before. If the
Pope also recognizes the second miracle, the now beatified candidate
will be canonized and proclaimed a saint throughout the entire Catholic
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