Sisters, laywomen Teachers, Children and Girls at the start of the 20th Century.

The sisters have dedicated themselves to the children education foundation other congregation.The founder P.A.Del Corona loves surrounding himself with children and dedicated himself wholly to them.He always reminded the parents that the first school is the family and that the parents are the first teachers: “ Parents should bring children up to make acts of love which eventually reach God”.

In more near one hundred years of activity,it is estimated that in Florence alone more than 3000 children have been educated in nursery and primary schools.


School activity has always been accompanied by catechetical and recreational activity.


Ex Students visit the Monastery – Some “Mary’s Daughters”, Children and Girls belonging to the Marian Association which in the past was promoted by the Sisters.


The children’s education which was the congregation’s inspiration from the beginning, continues outside the Florence monastery: in the Carbonia community, in Sardinia,a nursery school is in full activity.

Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit
 via Bolognese, 111
50139  Firenze
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